Saturday, May 17, 2008
Summer has been AWESOME! =) I shall update some of the events in this entry, especially my bintan trip! I suppose Felicia is interested to hear more on this, right dear? =)

Pictures speak a thousand words! TADDDDAAAAA!! dont-kill-me-cause-i-know-i-am-lazy =x

on our way to bintan lagoon resort :D

mad shopping at the factory outlet with dar!

our tasty feast at Pasar Oleh Oleh!

dar with his gigantic coconut! HAHAHAA! :X

I wonder if that's the way they lay their dining table in their restaurant. HMM?

darl and I :)

my spastic face >.<

beach time! :))

dar and my masterpiece! <3

dinner feast at Kelong Restaurant. not as good as Pasar Oleh Oleh's though.

I got caught red-handed! x.X

the gambling machine, our new discovery!!

we played pool before our departure.

More pictures uploaded at My Picasa.

I think I'm always out shopping. Hahaha. I just bought a beach dress from Zara. Lovely! :D There's still three months of summer holidays left and I'm getting bored. I've been trying to fill up my schedule each day with work, study and dates! Of course! :D I love my dates with dar on alternate days. :) He is love! I'm getting love sick. >.< I miss my university mates though. My dearest San San! She's like MIA to me and I wonder what has she been up to. Maybe I should stalk her. hawhaw. Tomorrow's Sunday! HMMM...

it aches my heart when I know how much it is affecting you. And I stopped myself from doing anything because I know how important pride is in a man.